Radiance Data Analytics

We are the Leaders in Data Analytics

We are pleased to introduce ourselves as a leading data preparation & data processing agency in Delhi, India, since 2008. Radiance Data Analytics is a Data Processing and outsourcing firm.

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About Us

Company overview..

We are pleased to introduce ourselves as a leading data preparation & data processing agency in Delhi, India, since 2008. Radiance Data Analytics is a Data Processing and outsourcing firm. With more than 6 years’ experience, our strength lies in our approach, which offers global reach, increased productivity, seamless integration and improved cost efficiency. Radiance Data Analytics is the complete house of electronic data preparation, Data Analytics & Data Management Service. Radiance Data Analytics is committed to building a partnership with clients to ensure top-quality Processing, and supports its clientele in managing business challenges.

Radiance Data Analytics provides high-quality data processing services. We can handle all data processing requirements, with data in any form and from any source, ad-hoc or large tracking studies, single country or multi country.

Want to know more.. Contact Us

What We Do

Radiance Data Analytics provides a wide range of client-specific services for data processing and analysis. We offer several advanced analysis techniques, including Penalty Analysis, Max Diff, Engagement Scores, segmentation and in SPSS - Factor, Co-relation, Regression, Correspondence, Cluster Analysis. Our highly experienced analytics team provides Data Mining, integration, and Reporting services for various project types such as Ad-Hoc, Mystery Shoppers, U&A, Brand-Tracker, Product/Concept Test and multi-country studies. We also offer data quality and integration services. In addition, we possess considerable experience in Data Cleaning and Validation, and Tabbing services. We provide multi-geography research, survey programming(CAPI/Dooblo) and data processing to our clients.

How We Do It...

We provide a full product portfolio adapted to each client’s specific requirements, as follows:

  Data Cleaning in Quantum according to the Questionnaire/Client Requirement

  Tabulation of Close end + Open end Single Card Data

  Prepare Stacked data from SPSS

  Prepare the Data Map & ASCII data file from SPSS

  Prepare SPSS Data file from Excel

  Prepare Labeled SPSS data

  Coding of Open End Verbatim in Excel (Brand & Message Coding) for Adhoc Studies

  Coding of Weekly & Monthly Trackers

  Tabulation of Weekly & Monthly Trackers

  Conversion of Single card ASCII data according to the Client data map.

  Conversion of Single Card Data into Multi –Card Data file with data map

  Transformation of SPSS data according to the Client Shell

  Merging of Multiple SPSS data file in 1 data file

  Back Coding according to the Client requirement in SPSS

  Preparation of Special variables in SPSS according to the Client requirement

  Segmentation/Special Calculation according to the Client Criteria in Excel & Quantum

  Preparation of different type of Charts according to the Client requirement

  Data-integrity checking

  Removing redundant data

  Identifying and fixing data inconsistencies

  Trend Checking

  Quota setting

  Matching and integrating data within and across data sources


Radiance Data Analytics is also highly experienced in providing specialist Tabbing Services. Using the analysis plan provided by the client, we process data and create cross-tabs, as follows:

  Creating banner tables using multi-format data sources (ASCII, Excel, SPSS or other custom format)

  Tabbing with multiple banners

  Creating banner tables in various formats including Word, Excel, PDF, CSV, and other custom formats

  Weighting/complex weighting

  Designing graphical presentation of tables

  Preparing hierarchical data



Excel-based reporting

Database management and report creation

Excellent value added Charting with using power point

Verbatim Coding...

Radiance Data Analytics has extensive experience in verbatim coding. Verbatim responses generate high volumes of valuable (though often overlooked) information and insights, potentially unavailable through close-ended responses.

Our specialist domain experts understand and code open ended responses both easily and accurately, in accordance with standards set by each individual client.

Our Expertise Includes...

Analyzing customer responses and drawing actionable insights.

In-house open ended coding in multiple languages through a single source to streamline the coding project process and enhance delivery efficiencies and project effectiveness.

Interpreting and accurately categorizing responses from doctors, healthcare specialists, and patients by medical coding specialists in our coding team.

Our Strengths

Portfolio 1


Portfolio 1


Portfolio 1

Wide Service

Portfolio 1

Cost Effective

Portfolio 1

Achieved Goals

Strategic : We believe smart work rather than hard work as a result we “Think more & work less”. We know that we can achieve our goal with self Confidence, Innovation & Competitiveness. Our strategy is to fight against our competitor by Quality, Efficiency & Wide service.

Software : We have capability to work with any type of DBMS or RDBMS packages & also any customized packages. For Analysis packages we used Quantum, SPSS & also other Customized Software.

Wide Service : Due to wide service its helps to you concentrate on only one supplier & help us to Manage Cost as well as time better.

Cost Effective : In many cases, the most cost-effective solution for our client’s data capture needs in traditional key and verify data entry services. Through systems developed over the past 3 years, Radiance Data Analytics is able to guarantee our clients the accuracy.

Achieved Goals : We got some client appreciations for best quality and productivity along with crunch timeline.

Our Vision...


Customer Satisfaction

Good Reputation in Market

Dedicated Service


Quality Service

Prompt Service

Competitive Price


Client Benefits...

  99.5 % accuracy on all key verified work.

  Eliminate your backlog.

  No need for you to hire programmers.

  No need for you to hire operators when the volumes increase/decrease or reduce staff

  We provide your work when you need it

  We provide your data in your required format so no modifications are necessary.

  Reduce and control your operating expenses.

  More time to focus on your core business.

  We are flexible and can make changes very quickly.

  Experienced operators available 24 hours a day 7 days week.

  Internal data quality 99 %

  Tabbing with multiple banners

Client Appreciations

Some of our client's appreciations are:
Team Menber

Leading Global MR Agency


Radiance Data Analytics is a committed Data Processing agency. The teams are very much supportive & responsible, they are always ready to solve every type of project related queries...

Team Menber

A leading MR analysis company

Web Developer

Our experience with Radiance Data Analytics is very satisfactory, we hired them for a very tuff project that was not completed on time by a big entity but the team of RDA completed it in a very short time, that was unexpected...

Team Menber

Consultant, a leading mystery audit company

UX Designer

Radiance Data Analytics is a reliable partner for our Data Processing Services. We have taken their services for various kinds of projects. The team completes all the assignments on time always. RDA is our true friend for market research related projects...

Working Strategy

We provide a turnkey solution that allows timely reporting accountability security and scheduling of projects. We consults with each of our clients prior to project inception in order to provide them with a cost as well as Time-effective strategy with taking Quality as first Priority. We provide unique solutions to suit every client’s needs. We maintain quality and data accuracy as being of great importance. We guarantee our clients the highest level of accuracy to 99.5%. We do this by maintaining proper online supervision.


This supervision form part of a company-wide standard operating procedure which is always followed. As a result we able to achieve and maintain a higher accuracy rate on single key entry method than many other companies with double key entry method. In the area of quality control we have specific edits and validation checks that are customized by our experienced programmers for each types of job.


All data fields are systematically analyzed to ensure data validity and integrity. Among the variables that the quality control system check: Field Length, Data Type, Relational Data Integrity, Valid Codes, and Applicable Abbreviations. When applicable Mandatory Fields & Sequential Numbering.


All processing is overseen by experienced Supervisors under Operation Manager. They are responsible for the final quality assurance of data. Special quality control checks designed specifically for each project are utilized in addition to the quality control procedures that are in place during processing.

Keeping up with the Latest Technology...

“Radiance Data Analytics has the best technology available today to provide the service that we do, and it has to stay that way because the business is constantly changing and we have to change as the technology improves.”


We have highly experienced staff and skilled operators to turnout any type of job independently on time. We also have dependable managers, senior supervisor and supervisors (for Quality Checks and Production) to ensure best quality product with 99% accuracy to the satisfaction of our customers.

  • Quantum
  • SPSS
  • SQL
  • CAPI/Dooblo
  • Windows XP, Windows SERVER 2003,2007,2010,2013